My Humble Plea to Attend MN Blogger Conference
I normally don't post on Fridays. For the past ten months or so, Big Picture Web has published on Mondays at 7:30am. Not even a trip to Europe or a busted computer prevented me from trying to help the readers of this simple online marketing, social media and SEO blog.
But today is different for two very important reasons. The first is that I don't have to work today because it's Employee Appreciation Day at Rasmussen College (a big thanks to my employer and friendly neighborhood Minnesota college!).
The second reason is all about opportunity. You see, next Saturday (9/11/10) is the Minnesota Blogger Conference, hosted at CoCo MSP in St. Paul. I'd love to attend but tickets virtually evaporated within two hours of being announced. Now there's a waiting list of over 100 people and things are looking bleak. That is, unless I can win the Top Rank's Online Marketing Blog MN Blogger Conference Giveaway.
The Single Most Important Thing I've Learned From Blogging
Top Rank's first giveaway guideline is to share the most important thing I've learned about blogging. To me, it's that blogging is as much of a craft as it is a hobby or a passion. It's not enough to simply jam unconnected thoughts into your Wordpress (or Squarespace!) editor whenever it occurs to you.
To become excellent, it takes a commitment to your craft, hard work and constant education. Some raw talent probably doesn't hurt either.
Why I Should Attend the MN Blogger Conference
Minnesota Blogger ConferenceTop Rank also wants to know why I think I should attend the MN Blogger Conference. First and foremost, I love blogging because it allows me to help people. My blog's mission is to teach people how to use simple concepts, techniques and tools to become better bloggers and web publishers. Going to the MN Blogger Conference will help hone my blogging craft and (hopefully) make me a better helper as a result.
I also think I should attend the MN Blogger Conference because I take posts like these seriously. I'm passionate. I want to grow and connect. I'm consistent and truly want to build a remarkable blog.
Or maybe I should attend simply because I'm a huge This Week in Tech geek? I can't believe that both Julio Ojeda-Zapata and Leo Laporte will be hosting a session at the conference. I enjoyed Julio on the August 22nd episode and listen to Leo every week.
Finally, I think I should attend because I said pretty please.
Feel free to leave a comment below if I've helped you in the past to show the Top Rank gang why I should go to the MN Blogger Conference. I'd certainly appreciate it and would be sure to share the things I learn in future posts here on Big Picture Web.
Thanks for the consideration!