How Do People Use Their Squarespace Website?
How do you use Squarespace? That was one of the questions I asked over the 100 Squarespace users that responded to my Squarespace Community Survey. If you're thinking about signing on with Squarespace, this post will help educate you on why its users love the platform. If you're already a Squarespace user, find out more about the community as we explore how people use their Squarespace websites!
How Squarespace Users Use Squarespace
First, I asked how non-designer/developers use Squarespace. Here's the question and the responses as they appear in my Constant Contact dashboard:
(Three-quarters of all Squarespace users are bloggers.)Overall, Squarespace users put the platform to use in a wide range of areas. Squarespacers users advertise their services, show off their work and connect and engage with people. Some even sell products using Squarespace. But the single greatest use of Squarespace by far lies in its blogging capabilities.
Three-quarters of all Squarespace users dig the web publishing platform because Squarespace makes blogging easy while giving you a unique and beautiful blog. I know Squarespace cares a lot about the designers and developers that use their platform (and I do, too!), but as an avid Squarespace blogger, let me just say, we're here. And we love the platform (and look forward to the improvements to come in v6!).
How Squarespace Website Designers Use Squarespace
Next, I filtered the responses to show only Squarespace designers who develop Squarespace websites for their customers:
(Squarespace designers want to showcase their work and sell their services.)
Not surprisingly, Squarespace web designers are trying to sell their web design services and show off the websites they built. A large number of designers are also bloggers, and a few of them use Squarespace to network with people or sell products.
A Platform Built for Blogging and Showcasing
So there you have it. My survey respondents use Squarespace to showcase their work in order to sell their services, and they also use Squarespace as a blogging platform. This probably won't come as much of a shock to people that use Squarespace. If you're considering Squarespace, hopefully you're confident in taking the next step with Squarespace.
Lastly, I just want to point out that my survey results aren't statistically significant, as I only had over a hundred of the tens of thousands of Squarespace users reply to my survey. While not completely accurate, I still think the survey responses have been extremely insightful. That said, take this blog post with a grain of salt.
How do you use Squarespace? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, or head over to Content, Structure & Style Episode 107 to hear co-hosts Alan, Brandon and me discuss further.