Big Picture Web doesn't really have what you'd consider a rigid editorial calendar. Something usually piques my interest at some point during the week. Sundays I sit down and write about the most exciting topic. This week was incredibly busy and I found myself sitting down to blog without a concrete blogging topic. Not only that, I had writer's block. This week we take a look at the importance of overcoming writer's block and four tools and tips for overcoming it.
Whether your blog is personal or professional, blogging does many things to improve the strength of your online brand. Writer's block is a death knell for many blogs whose authors decide to give up and stop producing content. Once you stop, it's as if your business stops. It's important to fight through writer's block and consistently find something meaningful talk about. You can't be creating new relationships and connecting with your audience if you're not creating new content. Let's take a look at a few tips and tools for overcoming writer's block as a blogger.
- Other Blogs - I regularly follow scores of blogs organized within iGoogle tabs. For example, open a new iGoogle Tab and explore this SEO and Web Analytics iGoogle Tab. Reading other blogs is often what gives me ideas for my own blog posts. In fact, the difference this week compared to others is that I didn't have as much time as I typically do to devote to catching up on my favorite industry blogs.
- Twitter - Reach out to your social networks for blogging ideas. You probably write about things you're relatively good at. Maybe you have a Twitter follower that has a burning question that only you can answer. At the very least you can get some ideas to get the old creative juices flowing.
Thanks for the idea today, @grandciel and @Springboard SEO. And don't worry, @jblaska, I'm still working on my camel blog post.
My Google Analytics Keyword Report revealed a few new Squarespace keywords and some other ideas I could write about.Your Keyword Report - Crack open the Keywords Report in the Traffic Sources section of your Google Analytics account to see search terms driving traffic to your site. Are there searches for which no real good content exists on your site? Search engine users are trying hard to help you overcome writer's block. Use the Keywords report to listen to their requests for new blog content.
- Google Reader - You can use Google Reader to organize the blogs you follow as well as iGoogle, but I prefer to use it as a Search/Twitter listening station. Use Advanced Twitter Search -- or any search interface with an RSS output -- to create and export RSS feeds which can then be managed in Google Reader.
Every blog writer could benefit from a Google Reader listening station.
Writer's block sucks, but fortunately there are tools that can help generate new ideas select a topic. What do you do to overcome writer's block? Is there a specific tool you like to use like the ones I referenced in this post? Or perhaps you have a favorite writing exercise that helps get the creative juices flowing. Overcome your own writer's block and leave a comment below.