Content marketing is one of the most efficient online marketing tactics for busy entrepreneurs. Blogs, videos, podcasts, and more published on your website build both customer engagement and traffic from search engines and social media networks alike.
Finding the time to create and publish content can be difficult, which is why I love having a Squarespace website and using the Squarespace mobile app. Today's post demonstrates how you can create a thriving blog with minimal added time requirements to your already-busy day.
The Squarespace mobile app for iOS is a mobile publishing force.
Blogging on the Go With the Squarespace Mobile App
My days are jam-packed with work, volunteer activities, and other obligations. I don't blog nearly as much as I want to, but lately I've been attempting to leverage my volunteering as a part of my blogging strategy.
Last week I attended a event put on by MIMA (a marketing association). The content of the presentation was a good fit for my marketing blog, I put my Squarespace mobile app for my iPhone to work and rattled out a live blog post recap of the neuromarketing presentation.
Drafting a Blog Post with Squarespace
Mobile blog posts can be edited with text, HTML or Markdown.
The event was an hour-long presentation on the advances of consumer psychology. The talk was given by author and speaker, Roger Dooley. I titled my blog post, flipped my editing interface to Markdown to increase my maximum thumb-typing speed (you can choose from text, HTML, and Markdown), and summarized Mr. Dooley's thoughts as quickly as my thumbs could travel.
I could have done this more easily using the Squarespace mobile app on my iPad, but I chose to use the iPhone instead to demonstrate that content marketing is possible even if the circumstances aren't ideal.
What you see here illustrates how quickly you could record the best moments of any events you attend in the form of a blog post.
Adding Photos to Mobile Blog Posts
Add photos from your mobile device to your Squarespace blog posts.
Adding photos to my mobile Squarespace blog posts was a breeze. I took photos throughout the event using my iPhone camera. At the end of the event, I navigated to the photo tab of the blog post and added the photos to the blog post directly from my phone. The app even let me re-order photos by tapping and dragging them to my liking.
By default, Squarespace adds all photos included in the mobile blog post at the end of the blog post when published. It wouldn't be nice to be able to structure them directly within an article while you're writing, but I can appreciate how this would be difficult.
After publishing the article, it was simple enough to crack it open in a desktop browser and position the images to my liking using Squarespace's LayoutEngine editing interface.
Performing the Finishing Touches
Even tags and categories are a snap in the Squarespace mobile app.
Even the finder details such as publishing date, tags and categories were editable using the Squarespace mobile app. When the event was over, I saved the blog post to my website and joined the crowd in coffee, snacks and networking. An hour later, I was back at my desk and cracked open the draft I created at the event.
A few tweaks later and I published my event recap to my blog and social media networks well before anyone else had a chance to recap the event. As a result, the speaker and many attendees were quick to share my article.
Nimble and Efficient Publishing
Fresh news travels well in social media, so once again the Squarespace mobile blogging app proved to be part of an effective content marketing strategy. I saved time by making my content marketing part of my already-busy day and took advantage of people's excitement for a great event to drive traffic to my blog.
You can become a content marketer for your brand by downloading the Squarespace mobile app for iOS, Ipad, and Android. (If you're not on Squarespace yet, the best place to start is by looking at their awesome mobile-friendly templates).